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Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

what's up everyone my name is prince olick, and if you've been following me for a while you know that I try my best to live a healthy lifestyle for many reason a lot of you guys ask me about my life styling what I do to stay healthy and lean so I decided to put some personal tips here on this blog site  to help boost your motivation and get you to look and feel your best starting right now .
Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
1. wake up early morning.
2. go to gym for fitness.
3. maintain a healthy food.
4. avoid bed for sleep at list ( 6-7 hours in a day)
5. go to road for walking in 1 hour everyday.
6. think very positive always. 

 we're gonna be going over some nutrition tips and just a little bit but first let's talk about sleep when you're young and you don't value sleep I know that I never did right I thought sleeping sucked and it was just getting in the way of my parties my work my social life but as you get a little bit older and
more mature you start to understand how important sleeping really is and it's huge we spend a third of our lives sleeping so the best thing that you can do to maximize the quality of your sleep is invest into these three things number one a new mattress get rid of your old crappy mattress and get something that you love something that gets you excited to lay down after you've had a very long day number
steps to a healthy lifestyle
two get blackout blinds alright sleep in pitch-black dark and your life will change completely and number three get into a consistent sleep schedule try to go to bed every night at a certain time and wake up at the same time the next morning my productivity went through the roof once I started applying all of this into my schedule I have more energy during the day I fall asleep faster my body is rested and I don't feel achy throughout the day my back doesn't hurt you know I'm telling you it is completely life-changing next up make working out a priority forget the rest of your day forget all these little things that come up because things always come up things that are always in the way if you don't make working out a priority then there's always gonna be something else happen oh I can't work out right now because I have to clean these dishes or I have to call my friends or I have to do this and that work out first get your exercising done before doing these other things you know once you make working out a priority you will always work out in your body will finally start to change but of course working out is only 20 to 30 percent of what we need to do to change our bodies. healthy lifestyle meaning our diet

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

is actually the most important aspect of living a healthy lifestyle as you guys know I have a pretty strict diet but I don't count macros or any of that I don't obsess over it I just eat healthy food and I stay away from unhealthy things make sure you're getting a nice healthy breakfast like oats or eggs with loads of water and maybe some fruit and as for lunch and dinner.

best foods for healthy body:

 you need to make sure that you're getting all the protein that your body needs pork tenderloin is considered to be an extra lean
cut of protein by the USDA already has two point 98 grams of fat per serving compared to three point zero or three grams on skinless chicken breast that's crazy it has 22 grams of protein it's extremely
steps to a healthy lifestyle
nutritious and to be honest I didn't really know that I had to do a lot of research this week to make this video and you blew me away that pork is leaner than chicken breast just cook it to the right temperature until it's a light blush pink color at a hundred and forty five degrees Fahrenheit and I know that some of you can't eat pork right due to religious reasons and that's obviously fine but if you can it's a really good option where I'm from in Brazil we eat a lot of pork alright it's how we make some of our best and tastiest dishes yeah I miss Brazilian food so much I need to book another trip to see my family and eat a lot ASAP guys don't forget to eat a balanced diet you don't need to count macros but you do need to realize what is good and what is bad eating healthy will change your body from every angle you will feel better you'll look better from your muscles to you're lowering body fat percentage to your overall health definitely incorporate a healthy diet into your lifestyle and add pork to your healthy diet all right you can visit pork org slash cooking to learn more quick shout out to the National Pork Board for helping me realize the healthy benefits of eating pork and for sponsoring today's blog.

steps to a healthy lifestyle:

so now you have a healthy diet you're sleeping well you're working out what else can you do to be healthy well next avoid the big three all right smoking drinking alcohol and of course doing drugs sounds simple and easy but I know a lot of people who can't stop smoking for whatever reason and
Maintain a healthy lifestyle then when we go hiking they're out of breath in ten minutes into the hype and I know others who drink beers three to four nights a week and they put on a lot of weight because of that and unfortunately I know people who have issues with drugs you know and have a very hard time letting go of that try your best to stay away from these three for a healthy lifestyle so I'm weird alright because normally people hate going to the doctor's office but me I actually love honestly there's no better feeling than going to the doctor's right you go in there and then you leave knowing that you are healthy that you are good and then you've been checked out by a professional and if for whatever reason there is something wrong you can actually catch it as early as possible to take care of it so don't be one of those guys who are too good or too manly to go to the doctor's that is not cool the same way that your car needs maintenance right your body which is a much more complex machine needs professionals to take good care of it also one of my biggest goals for 2019 is to work on mental health a lot of times people are scared to talk about mental health they think it's taboo or something but I don't agree with that because if you're not talking about it you're not learning you're not sharing your ideas and your thoughts so I am 100% going to make an effort to take breaks from work to go out with friends to see my family to talk to them as much as possible on the phone no matter how far they are from me right now in Brazil at Florida it doesn't matter I want to talk to them as much as possible if you're working super hard on your body don't forget about your mind because that's also extremely important guys.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle
simple health tips

 Be care full your body and mind, so if your mind is positive and ok then you fell much better life today, and one more think do not go with under presser its cause your damage health, always wear a clean clothes and confident grow your self, that it, i think its much better information for your better lifestyle,

Maintain a healthy lifestyle Maintain a healthy lifestyle Reviewed by prince olick on April 01, 2020 Rating: 5

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